Ph.D. Forum

List of accepted participants

ICDCN 2012 will host a Ph.D. Forum to encourage Ph.D. students to present and discuss their research with peers in their fields. This PhD forum is best suited for students who already have a plan outlined for their dissertation in the broad areas of Distributed Computing and Computer Networking.


This forum will provide a friendly and supportive environment for doctoral students to present and discuss their dissertation research both with their peers and with a panel of experienced researchers from academia and industry. In addition to providing feedback and advice, this forum will provide an opportunity for students to network as well as to practice presenting their research clearly and concisely.



The Ph.D. Forum will be an event consisting of short student presentations followed by poster presentations. Each participant will be allowed 3 minutes to make a short presentation. Thereafter, all participants will maker poster presentations.



Though this forum is primarily targeted towards Ph.D. students, exceptional BS and MS students who have formulated a research project and obtained some good results will also be considered and hence are encouraged to apply.



Intended participants must submit a cover letter and a technical write-up. The cover letter must contain the participant's name, affiliation, advisor's name (if known), theme of research, degrees obtained so far, current status in their degree, and expected graduation date.


Each participant must provide a 3-page write-up of the intended research. The write-up should be a concise description of the problem statement, scientific and technical approach, and the results obtained so far. Sufficient information should be provided for the chairs and the review board to judge the merit of the research.


The cover letter and the paper must be sent via email to Dr. Mainak Chatterjee (, Dr. Santonu Sarkar ( and Dr. Dan Wang ( with subject line: "ICDCN Ph.D. Forum Submission".



Ÿ   Cover letter and Write-up due: October 14 (August 31), 2011

Ÿ   Notification to participants: October 17, 2011



ICDCN 2012 will waive the registration fee for all participants.

Efforts are being made to have limited travel grants.



The accepted papers by the forum participants will not appear in the ICDCN proceedings to be published by LNCS. However, a separate proceeding containing the forum papers will be made available and distributed during the conference.



Undisclosed judges will evaluate all presenters based on their oral and poster presentation for the Best Presentation Award.



Dr. Mainak Chatterjee, University of Central Florida, USA

Dr. Santonu Sarkar, Infosys Labs, Bangalore

Dr. Dan Wang, Dept of Computing, HK Polytechnic University
